It’s almost over, but which -anuary got your vote?

190125 veges 1So how’s your January coming along? It’s nearly over. Did you opt for Veganuary, or were you more inclined towards Dry January? My own local pub ingeniously featured an entire month of rolling (literally) events, which they called Ginuary.

Personally, I don’t go for any of them, they’re all far too intrusive for my busily lethargic lifestyle. I just carry on living by numbers. Happy days.

But I have had to endure the endless bleatings of everyone around me, beating themselves up over the small glass of red wine, consumed in the broom cupboard, one desperate evening. Or the hapless customer, who ordered an ordinary Greggs sausage roll, accidentally on purpose, forgoing the culinary delight of Greggs runaway bestseller Vegan Sausage Roll. Continue reading